Sunday, March 29, 2015

Living A KPOP Fandom Life.

I thought of a fandom life as a lame, dull-boring but my perspectives brought out to be corrected when I engaged in such way of living. I never thought of having such musical-realistic way of celebrating life's diversity. At first, I hesitated to step inside the circle, I jumped to conclusions that I will be out of the range and will never ever relate their style. Well, as a first-timer in the scene, there is always a feeling of weirdness and discomfort but when you get in the flow and learned to to blend in, you'll be able to catch up.
I used to be normal back then. It's not that I became abnormal but a colored life to be describe in a simple manner. No posters in the walls of my room, just plain white and black t-shirts, family photos  hanged and displayed at my study table and music with the same genre and beat. I hesitated in decision-making and can't stand my beliefs and easily influenced by other people's debatable opinions.
As I learned to study and adapt the Korean pop culture, I found my self reborn as a new persona as I embraced my new way of living. I entered the doors and didn't limit myself to learn and interact with other co-stans and together, we had embrace and adapt the culture despite of our racial differences. That then my life shifted. I now collect stamps, posters, ballers and stickers. Lighters had been replaced by light sticks, family photos had been kept in the drawer and those new boy bands in black and white suit made its throne at the top of my table, t-shirts are no longer lame black-and-white but had been shouting those fandoms and bias. The music I used to listen in the same genre had been crossed out from the playlist and all those KPOP songs made their spots on my phone. Everytime I have a favorite song, I played it a million times before I go to the next to be played.
Being under the influenced of KPOP, I met amazing and open-minded people. Despite of the continental and language barrier, we still manage to link our hearts and mind as one in supporting our favorite KPOP groups in their concerts and tour. We had our commonalities. We never discriminate races. As long as you have lived and embraced the Korean culture, we considere you as family. That's what make us, fandoms, very solid and still. We build bridges beyond the gaps. We destroy the barriers that set us apart. We never judge nor stereotype people, instead we embrace them. As what a psychiatrist said, he address his opinion to all KPOP fans.
“Don’t underestimate those children who chase after Korean celebrities, their hearts are purer than anyone else, they love courageously, they will want to try their best to tackle difficult obstacles, the language and cultural barriers. They symbolize peace, they don’t discriminate based on race, they befriend people with the same interest from different countries, they’re more passionate and warm than anyone else. They don’t betray the ones they like easily, they are persistent and don’t give up easily. They are stronger than anyone else on the inside, because when they are loving these Korean stars, they experience the setbacks they’ve never experienced in life. They are all sensitive children, easily touched to tears for a long time because of one incident. Their memory is very good, they can easily remember the korean lyrics they don’t understand, and their coordination skills are also very strong. Most of them are cheerful children, not the kind who keep to themselves. Their will of determination is also very strong, they are able to persevere all the way just to buy something related to the celebrity they like. In short, the way these children think is vastly different from others, and their thoughts are not easy to understand. Generally, only those who have similar interests are able to enter their world."
That then I have a strong believe in whatever decision I make cause I have the power. Those KPOP group taught us how to build ourselves and grow in accordance of what we are. Living with a KPOP fandom may be weird to anyone else but for us, it is the empowerment of our inner selves. It is our motivation to do what we want to do and break the chains that bind us and limit us to try new things. It is our freedom. The culture. The music. It lift us up and bring us out the new personality we have that we thought we never have it. It is our libido to dream and believe we can achieve it. As I grow in to a mature being, my system lived the fandom life I had and it had been part of me since then. The KPOP fandom  molded me in some ways which I thought at first as dull-boring, but as it turned out, it became the crayon that added rainbow to my black and white perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I've been trying to find the source of the quote by the psychiatrist (sometimes quoted as psychologist) or the study it came from, would you happen to know the where it came from? (I'm just curious, and I'd like to read the study if it is accessible!) A lot of blogs reference for translation and as the original source, but that link/post doesn't exist anymore :/

    I would appreciate any help! Thank you!
